License Agreement

PCMedik is not free software. The software is the copyright of PGWARE and is protected under international law. You may not sell, rent or lease this software. Reverse engineering, decompiling or disassembling the software, and use of the software to create competitive products, is expressly forbidden.

This is a legal agreement between you and PGWARE. Subject to your acceptance of the conditions and restrictions set out below, you are granted a free-of-charge license giving limited rights to use the software.

  • This software is provided as is. All responsibility for determining fitness of purpose rests with you, the user, for which purpose the free evaluation period is provided. On purchase of a full license, you are deemed to have agreed that the software is fit for the intended purpose of use. No refund of the license fee shall be entertained thereafter, for whatever reason.
  • You agree not to hold PGWARE liable for any loss or damage or consequential loss or damage arising directly or indirectly out of the use of the software or for any other reason. You accept that it is entirely your responsibility to take all necessary precautions to safeguard against any such loss, damage or consequential loss or damage, howsoever it may be caused.
  • You agree to use the software solely and exclusively for the purposes of evaluation, for a period of not exceeding 28 days. On the expiry of this period, or when you have completed your evaluation (whichever comes first) you agree to either a) obtain a full license for the software, or b) cease using the software and to delete all the installed copies of the software that you have made.
  • You agree to the software connecting to the internet periodically to verify that the Name/Serial entered into the software and only this information is valid and any action taken on our part if the serial number is proven to be invalid.
  • Obtaining an Unrestricted Software License

    One full license must be purchased for each non-networked system on which the software is installed and used. In the case of systems in which the program is simultaneously accessible to more than one user at a time, such as a network server, one full license must be purchased for each user who is capable of accessing the software. Distributing the serial number or using it on more then one machine will without prior notice lead to it being banned in further versions of the software.

     Registering the Software
     How to Register
     Enter Serial Number